Monday, February 4, 2013

Last of December

December was so much fun! I can't believe how fast it flew by, and I knew it would! December is always one of those months that's a blur looking back. It's always full of family, Christmas parties, get-togethers, crafts, baking, shopping and FUN. : )  It's so busy that sometimes it's hard to just sit back and enjoy the month. It's one of those high energy months, for sure!

Christian got home from his mission!

I bought a big bag of cinnamon smelling pinecones at Target, I was going to make them glittery ornaments but I never attached string to them so they could be hung in our tree.Instead I put them on a tray and left them as a centerpiece on our table. I actually really loved it because they left our house smelling so yummy. Holiday perfectness!!...It was a mess, but totally worth it!

Everything in our tree this year had glitter on it. Cute to me, but messy to Spencer. Haha...I was constantly picking glitter off of his face! ; )

We had a ridiculous amount of presents under our tree this year!! This is MAYBE half of our presents:

Christmas Eve our families got together and had dinner and played games. Spencer and I stayed the night at the Sevy's so we could open presents with all the kids on Christmas morning.

Look who left their magic boot prints and buttons on the living room floor!!

Queen Victoria opening up her present from us. She's so cute!!

Maddie --happy about a new pair a shoes!

This picture cracks me up. Look at that look she is giving me!

This was pretty funny! You wind it up and the eyebrows and mustache move up and down. Also a little creepy. ; )

Merry Christmas to me!!! Spoiled. That's all there is to it! I love you Spencer Sevy. 

We had breakfast and hung out at the Sevy's before we headed home to shower and get ready for the day. The weather we were having was crazy! It got super hot and windy outside, then it would get dark, then it would change dramatically and be super sunny with very strong winds. We were under a tornado watch. There were actually tornadoes really close by! The electricity went out right as we were leaving the Sevy's. 

After we got ready for the day we headed over to my parents house for Christmas festivities. A bunch of people were over when we got there for lunch. Right after we finished lunch the electricity went out-right around the time the sun started going down. So we got to open presents in the dark! haha...a different experience for sure! 

All the pictures look a little weird because they were taken in the dark. Definitely a Christmas to remember. 

Favorite quote of the night as we opened Christmas presents in the dark with one lantern for light:

My mom opening up one of her presents from me:

Mom: "Oh that's a cute sweater!What color is it? Purple??"
Natalie: "No, it's gray."

That's how Christmas went this year! lol. I kept saying I felt like I didn't see everybody opening their presents, probably because I literally couldn't!

The boys playing with their nerf guns. 

Gary passed out...

More pictures in the dark...kinda sad we didn't get one with the lights on the tree.

Cousins!! We had the tv hooked up to the generator.

THEN it was time for birthday presents!! I think this picture was in the dark, but right as I started to open birthday presents the lights finally came back on. It was a Christmas miracle!!!

Afterwards we went over to Sevy's and played some games. Then around midnight we headed back to the Kunkel's to do our new traditional scratch offs!

Oh....and did I mention another awesome present from my husband this year??? Meet Icy blue : ) I love it!!!!!

I was messing with my Cricut here:

One of my favorite presents from my brother:

Pretty sky the day after Christmas!!!

Dinner with the Sevy's a couple of days after Christmas:

Wii games at the Kunkels. Always entertaining!!


We also made a visit to one of the happiest places on earth (in my opinion). This was Spencer's first time to go--The Bake Shoppe! I think it's the cutest place ever! We got a homemade ding dong, double sided cookie with icing filling, and a loaf of bread on the way out. Keep in mind that the cookie and ding dong were sprinkled with glitter. Just one of the many reasons this place brings me happiness. ; )

Sigghhhhh....I want a place like this someday.

On new years eve both family's went to the Sevy's. We played games, ate, did puzzles, and ate some more. It was a fun night, but you could just tell that everybody was exhausted from all of the holiday festivities. Sometimes  Usually the holidays are WAY less relaxing than we want them to be.

That about sums December up!! January posts to come! I can't believe it's already February!! One of these days I'll catch up. Thanks for following!!



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